Avinurme Woodworking Centre

Seminarid maal, Toitlustamine ja söögikohad, Teematalud, muuseumid, külastuskeskused

  • Hiker Friendly
  • EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) label


Avinurme, 42101, Mustvee vald, Jõgeva County
Location on the map
GPS 26°51'54'' E, 58°59'9'' N


Phone: (+372) 339 7410
GSM: (+372)  527 5762


Eveli Tooming

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For up to 20 people / 10 ja 20 places, 20-50 people / 36 places

Avinurme Puiduaida has a large hall and a bread room for holding a seminar. Presentation equipment in comfortable and bright rooms. We offer catering, coffee breaks and what makes the service special is that it is possible to add value to the seminar in the form of workshops and train travel. The selection of workshops includes both basket weaving and bread baking.

For conducting the seminar: data projector, screen, flipchart, sound system, wifi, laptop.

Stationery: white paper, post-it, markers, pens, wall pencils.

Additional services: catering (up to 80 seats), workshops, train journeys on narrow gauge railways.

We also carry out workshops outside the house: basket weaving training / painting on baskets / making woodwork, etc.

Possibilities in the vicinity: Avijõgi (canoe trips in spring), possibility to swim 100 m, statue of Kalevipoeg, hiking trail 15 km, hydroelectric power station 10 km, Lake Peipsi 18 km.

Hostel 100 m (20 places). In addition, a sauna house with 16 seats is 2 km away.

Asukoht kaardil
