Estonian Agricultural Museum

Teematalud, muuseumid, külastuskeskused, Seminarid maal, Pulmad maal, Aktiivne puhkus


Pargi 4, Ülenurme, 61714, Kambja vald, Tartu County
Location on the map
GPS 26°43'28'' E, 58°18'60'' N


GSM: (+372) 5333 4168


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Traditional wedding ceremony in the Estonian Agricultural Museum

Young couples can make their wedding day special with a festive service at the Agricultural Museum.

The ritual service introduces the former life of Estonians, old wedding customs, the groom and the bride perform a rehearsal, and the young couple is given their first joint bread. The groom can forge a symbol of happiness when ordering.

The scenic Ülenurme Manor Park and the old manor houses offer a great opportunity for a holiday stop and for taking in the moody wedding photos.

Ask for an offer:, phone 5345 4427

Asukoht kaardil
