Estonian Road Museum

Seminarid maal, Teematalud, muuseumid, külastuskeskused


Varbuse küla, 63122, Kanepi vald, Põlva County
Location on the map
GPS 26°54'47''E, 58°00'58''N


GSM: (+372) 5899 8064


  • ee
  • en
  • ru
  • fi
  • lv

For up to 20 people / 16 places, 20-50 people / 24/34 places, 50-100 people / 80 places

The Estonian Road Museum is the largest cultural service station in South-Eastern Estonia, a great place for conferences, seminars and meetings. In addition to the modern seminar environment, you will find an innovative and flight-friendly exposition, the green and winding natural landscape of South-Eastern Estonia and several inspiring follow-up activities. Visitors to the seminar can get acquainted with the museum's various exhibitions free of charge.

Seminar: computer, screen, video conferencing available, paper Additional activities and workshops on the Estonian Road Museum

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