Lammasmäe Holiday Centre

Seminarid maal, Aktiivne puhkus, Majutus, Toitlustamine ja söögikohad


Linnuse küla, 44106, Viru-Nigula vald, Lääne-Viru County
Location on the map
GPS 26°32'32'' E, 59°27'42'' N


GSM: (+372) 501 3397
GSM: (+372) 503 4142


Meelis Parijõgi

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Location: the Holiday Centre is located in Lääne-Viru County, on the beautiful Kunda River bend. There are signposts marking the road.

Lammasmäe Holiday Centre is suitable for corporate summer days, seminars, weddings and other events. The heart of the holiday centre is a thatched hunting lodge with a fireplace hall, seminar room, sauna and swimming pool. In addition, there is a barbecue pavilion and an outdoor fireplace with a shelter in the river bend.

Saunas: Tiredness can be whisked away in Lammasmäe's distinctive steam, Finnish, cabin-heater and smoke saunas. In addition, in the world's first peat sauna.

Additional facilities: Catering on reservation. Camping on a large area. Canoe trips on the Kunda River and nature, history and culture trips in the surrounding area. We offer axe throwing, archery, craft workshops (blacksmith, clay, glass), full party organisation service.

Lammasmäe Holiday Centre (120+ beds)

Accommodation: 4 heated log houses for four (altogether 16 beds in summer and in winter); 11 summer houses, altogether 107  beds (in summer).

In addition, there is the Barn House - a private cottage for those who want to have some privacy.

The two-storey Jäägri sauna and the Küti sauna are suitable for smaller gatherings.

Prices: Hunting lodge €390, 4-bed log cabin with heating from €70, Barn House €70. Rental of the whole complex and territory by agreement.

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